Blue Nile (Abbai): Grand Canyon of the Nile raft/kayak expedition: up to 30 days, 876km (543 miles), class IV; JOIN US!

BLUE NILE: The Grand Canyon of the Nile

876 km (543 miles), class III-IV(V), 30-34 days

launches: Sep27 Nov4 (2017) RESERVE
versión ESPAÑOL

The Blue Nile in Ethiopia is the source of most of the water in the Nile in Egypt and passes through a profound canyon as it descends from Lake Tana to the desert in Sudan. The magnificence of this canyon and character of the river make this the finest raft-support trip in Africa. Join our raft/kayak expedition as we paddle through the length of the canyon, with fun class III-IV rapids, amazing side hikes, beautiful beach camps, and interesting wildlife. Be one of the last people to float through the lowland gorges before they are drowned by the Grand Ethiopian Rennaissance Dam due to be completed this year and help us SAVE THE GRAND CANYON OF THE NILE!

PETITION (protest the dams)
Articles: GERD
Film: MysteryOfTheNile
Videos: 1995 2007


The Blue Nile (Abbai) is one most incredible rivers in the world and the source of most of the water for the Nile in Egypt.  On this expedition, we’ll spend nearly a month rafting down the river in Ethiopia where it has carved the bona fide Grand Canyon of Africa. We’ll put-in with the rafts just below Tissisat Falls (40km downstream of Lake Tana) where the river enters its canyon and there is certain to be a runnable level of water in the river Sep-Oct-Nov. On our trip, the first challenge will be to navigate the tough rapids in the ~50km downstream of Tissisat Falls in what is known as the Northern Gorge, where there are numerous class IVs and at least three Vs (Gauntlet, Crux, and Cave). From the 2nd Portuguese Bridge down for the next 826km of the trip, the river is fairly easy and usually class III max, though there still might be some IVs (especially in the Black Gorge section).  We’ll do resupply of food at several of the main bridge crossings of the river (~Days 9, 12, and 19 of the trip) where we can also have passenger exchanges.  The trips in 2017 will be particularly special as this is the last year possible to raft through the Lowland Gorges before the Grand Ethiopian Rennaissance Dam (GERD) is completed and flooding upstream ~200km from near the Sudan border.

Our main Grand Canyon Nile trip is appropriate for anyone. No prior whitewater experience is necessary on a raft. However, the Northern Gorge is a moe intense section due to the rapids and portages and can be trying on many people. It may be more appropriate for beginners to enter the trip after this sectio.

Private groups are welcomed to schedule a trip - either as a fully guided trip or a Outfitting Service trip for experienced boaters.

EMAIL LIST: Sign up for our email list (send an email) and you'll be be advised of upcoming trips and often special lower rates compared to the general contribution rate.


The "Grand Canyon of the Nile" refers to the profound canyon section of Blue Nile in Ethiopia where it cuts a canyon through a high raised tableland. This canyon extends >800 km from Tissisat Falls to near the Sudan border and is generally 1200-2000 m (4000-6600 ft) deep on both sides throughout its length and similar to the Colorado's Grand Canyon in many ways, though with less limestone and vertical walls. Access points divide the river into various sections including the Northern Gorge, Inner Gorge, Black Gorge, Western Cataracts, and Lowland Gorge sections. Each section has numerous big-water rapids and different difficulties and other features and side excursions. Aside from the Northern Gorge (with many class IVs and several class Vs), most of the river is class III-IV in difficulty and comparable to the difficulty of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.

Anyone (even folks with no river experience) can always join a normal SierraRios trip through any section scheduled and have experienced class V guides lead them safely on the trip. Ideally, participants in charge of a raft or kayak should feel challenged, but not scared. If you're planning to row or kayak, you should note the difficulties below.

Most SierraRios trips will be based in Addis Ababa or Bahir Dar and launch below Tissisat Falls to cover the Northern Gorge as well as downstream sections. Passenger exchanges will generally occur at access points:
2nd Portuguese Bridge (km90): involves a hike of 10-15km from near Mota
Mertule Bridge (km220): ~7 hr drive from Addis Ababa
Shefartak (Abbai) Bridge (km 331): ~4 hr drive from Addis Ababa
Bure Bridge (km 524): ~10 hr drive from Addis Ababa

Depending on water flows and the guides leading, some trips may start at the 2nd Portuguese Bridge. In the future, with the reservoir backing up the river behind GERD to km ~730, many trips will likely be ending at Shefartak or Bure Bridges.

section km days class rapids scenery hikes cultural note
Gilgel Abbai 200 ~4 IV +++++ +++ ++ +++ section from source to Lake Tana
Lake Tana 50 ~2 0 + ++ ++ +++++ section from source to Lake Tana
------------ -- -- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
TisAbay section 40 ~2 IV-V +++++ ++ ++ ++ exiting Lake Tana but often little water now
Northern Gorge 50 ~3 IV-V +++++ +++++ +++ ++ very difficult; class Vs at Gauntlet, Crux, Cave
Inner Canyon1 130 ~3 III +++ +++++ +++++ +++ incredible scenery and side canyons
Inner Canyon2 111 ~3 III-IV ++++ +++++ +++++ +++ incredible canyon and side canyons
Black Gorge 195 ~5 III-IV ++++ ++++ +++ ++ fun rapids; hotter; remote with wildlife
Western Cataracts 267 ~6 III-IV ++++ +++ + +++++ very hot; some rapids; Shankilla native tribes
Lowland Gorges 179 ~4 III-IV +++ +++ ++ +++++ very hot; some rapids; soon to be flooded by GERD
Sudan 756 10+ I-II + ++ + +++ Roseiries Dam; then flat open hot river to Khartoum
-------------------------- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --------------------------
TOTAL RAFTABLE 1978 ~42 - - - - - for full Blue Nile descent

Tis Abay section (Lake Tana outflow)
class IV(V)
40 km (24 miles); ~2 days
Lake Tana (1810m) to Tissisat Falls (1660m)
3.8 m/km (21 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 50cms (1,800cfs); avg flow January: 20cms (700cfs)

The section from Lake Tana to Tissisat has a number of class II, III and IV rapids (perhaps some V) but is not in canyon and is generally wide with the river dividing into many channels in places. The first major rapid is called Jordi Falls (IV) but there are many more on the way to Tis Abay (Tissisat Falls). Although from the years 2001-2015, the river usually had ~100cms in it, now due to the Tana-Beles hydro diversion project, this section will have much reduced flows all year - and not enough water to raft most of the year. The best times of year to find fun flows are Aug-Sep-Oct and possibly Nov when flows will lilkely be 50-70cms (1700-2300cfs).

Northern Gorge (Grand Canyon Nile)
class IV(V)
50 km (31 miles); ~4 days
Tissisat Falls (1600m) to 2nd Portuguese Bridge (1380m)
4.4 m/km (24 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 200cms (7,000cfs); avg flow January: 50cms (1700cfs)

The Northern Gorge section of the Grand Canyon of the Nile is the most feared section on the river due to a series of difficult class IV and V rapids. The section starts at the base of Tissisat Falls (road access) where they used to generate electricity by diverting the water out of the falls and into a powerhouse. Since 2016, water from Lake Tana that used to flow through these powerhouses is preferably diverted into the Tana-Beles project, effectivly making the powerhouses at Tissisat unused. There is still a mimimum flow required to be released to go over Tissisat Falls, and this is highest in the traditional high water months of Sep-Oct-Nov and possibly Dec. Aside from the water entering the Northern Gorge from Lake Tana, there are a number of tributaries that augment the flow much more during the rainy season, but provide much less during the dry season. Just downstream of Tissisat is the 1st Portuguese Bridge and then a difficult class IV-V passage. The river is generally easy but punctuated with difficult drops: Catfish Falls (IV-V), Gauntlet (V), Crux (V), Cave (V), Zigzag (IV), Blind Corner (IV), and ending with Bad Seeds (IV+) by the Abaya river confluence (RR). The section and the tough rapids end just past the Abaya river confluence at the 2nd Portuguese Bridge.


Inner Canyon (Grand Canyon Nile)
class III
241 km (150 miles); ~7 days
2nd Portuguese Bridge (1380m) to Shefartak Bridge (1030m)
1.5 m/km (8 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 1500cms (50,000cfs); avg flow January: 120cms (4000cfs)

The Inner Canyon section of the Grand Canyon of the Nile passes through the deepest part of the canyon and is one of the most scenic sections of the river. The section starts at the 2nd Portuguese Bridge which requires a hike of 10-15 km from the dirt road access near the town of Mota up on the rim. The bridge was destroyed by the Italians in the 1930s trying to prevent rebels from attacking. Just after the turn of the millenium, the group Bridges to Prosperity repaired the bridge so it can be used by the local population. Downstream of the bridge, the Abbai river moves swiftly among high canyon sides and frequent class II and III rapids. There are plenty of interesting side hikes on this section of the river - with perhaps the most interesting natural features to explore including slot side canyons, natural arches, waterfalls, springs, and caves. Two major tributaries enter in this section: the Bashilo and the Guder(Jemma) rivers, both on the left, as well as a number of tributaries on the right. The nights are still fairly cool at these elevations and due to the interesting side excursions possible and easy floatability, this is a great section to spend some extra time and layovers.


Black Gorge (Grand Canyon Nile)
class III-IV
195 km (150 miles); ~5 days
Shefartak Bridge (1030m) to Bure Bridge (800m)
1.7 m/km (4.8 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 2700cms (90,000cfs); avg flow January: 170cms (6000cfs)

The Black Gorge section of the Grand Canyon of the Nile is named due to the black rocks on the sides of the gorge. Although this section has lower gradient compared to the Inner Canyon section, the river is much more voluminous with major tributaries entering and the rapids are tougher, especially at low flows when more features such as waves and holes develop. This section has few people living near the river and therefore it is more likely to encounter wildlife such as crocodiles, hippos, and monkeys. Being at lower elevation and with dark rocks nearby radiating the heat absorbed during the day, this section gets very hot.


Western Cataracts (Grand Canyon Nile)
class III
267 km (166 miles); ~6 days
Bure Bridge (800m) to Sirba access (610m)
0.71 m/km (3.9 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 4200cms (130,000cfs); avg flow January: 230cms (8000cfs)

The Western Cataracts section of the Grand Canyon of the Nile as named by the 1968 British expedition due to their encounter of a number of rapids in the section at high flows. In general, the river is very voluminous here and the canyon is wide and opening up. Rapids tend to be located where small tributaries enter and have deposited debris. This section has some people living near the river (Shankilla and/or Gumuz) who are a darker more central African type of people compared to the Amharic and Oromo peoples who are the primary people of the highlands and the majority in Ethiopia. The people in this region may have different customs compared to more typical (advanced) Ethiopians. While it is still likely to encounter wildlife such as crocodiles, hippos, and monkeys, they may not be as prevalent as in the Black Gorge. Being at low elevation, this section is very hot. The lower part of the Western Cataracts section will be flooded by the Grand Ethiopian Rennaissance Dam (GERD) which is to be completed in 2017. The reservoir is not expected to fill until 2020 or 2021, so this section should remain free-flowing through 2019, but it depends on how quickly the reservoir is filling. T


Lowland Gorges (Grand Canyon Nile)
class II-III (IV)
179 km (111 miles); 3-4 days
Sirba access (610m) to Shogali/Beles Bridge (500m)
0.61 m/km (3.4 ft/mile)
avg flow August: 5000cms (170,000cfs); avg flow January: 250cms (8500cfs)

The Lowland Gorges section of the Grand Canyon of the Nile is the section where the canyon opens up and ends, but there still are some gorges and rapids in the river. The toughest ones are located in the lower section just before the Sudan border where they are constructing the GERD (Grand Ethiopian Rennaissance Dam). The entire section will be flooded probably in 2018 after they close the gates and start filling the reservoir in 2017. The river is very voluminous here and the canyon is wide and opening up. There are still Shankilla and/or Gumuz people to meet, some of whom are being relocated due to the GERD reservoir and may harbor bad feelings toward strangers coming into their area. There still will be encounters with wildlife on this section. A convenient access point is at Shogali (the Beles Bridge) located only 5 km downstream of the Beles river confluence. The GERD dam site is 15 km downstream of this bridge.

Prior descents:

The Blue Nile has had over a dozen partial descents since paddlers started trying in the 1950s. The first successful complete descent was by a British expedition during high water July-August 1968 led by John Blashford Snell. They used army assault rafts to get from Lake Tana through the Northern Gorge and Inner Canyon, and before that, used motorized larger boats to go from Shefartak Bridge to Sirba (Mendi).

Other complete descents were done by Sobek crews in the 1970s, by some groups in the 1990s, by Pascuale Scaturro (2004) and by Mark Tanner et al (2005).

No river rafting experience is required to join a trip. However, you should be comfortable camping and you should have an easygoing attitude in order to get along with a diverse group on a Grand Canyon-style trip for an extended period. If you are concerned about this issue, consider arranging a private trip or if you're an experienced group, contracting our Outfitting Services. Note that in some sections of the river, it is essential to have bilingual guides who can communicate with the residents to ensure friendly interactions.

Everyone joining SierraRios trips should have an interest in river conservation and help us on our mission to document the river further, talk to residents, publicize the planned dams, and help train local guides. We welcome competent boaters. If you want to kayak, you must have adequate class IV experience and a solid roll. If you want to row a raft, you must have adequate experience rowing class IV rivers. Comparable rivers are the Colorado (Grand Canyon), Middle Fork Salmon (medium water), Thompson, Futaleufu, Karnali, or Sun Kosi. You should be in good physical condition. In general the pace is relaxed with layover days planned, but there may be some long days on the water. You should plan to help facilitate the trip in any way possible, including transport of some gear to Ethiopia.

The policy we will take on the trip is that the trip leader will have main authority when it comes to decisions for the group regarding river progress, camp, etc. If a participant has overestimated their ability to row or kayak, he/she may be mandated to ride on a raft and/or be assessed other penalties. Trip leader decisions can be vetoed by a majority vote of the group. Any participant always has the right to leave the trip if they so desire, but no refund is due.

Ethiopia is a unique country in Africa with most of the population of ~95 million living in the high cool tableland that experiences a strong northern summer monsoon season. Over 50% of the population is Christian, with about 30% Muslim.  Modern hominids are thought to have originated in Ethiopia, with one of the most important intact human remains (Australlpithecus afarensis or “Lucy”)  found in the Eastern area of the country (Awash valley).  The country is the origin of coffee, and also has the hottest place on earth (Dakil Depression; -100m elevation). Currently, although the typical wildlife of deep Africa does exist in Ethiopia, it is not as prevalent as in some countries to the south.  Our rendezvous will be Addis Ababa (hotel TBD), the largest city and capital of the country (~4.5 million people in the metro area).  All international flights will land you at the ADD airport here (called Bole).
Visa:  Ethiopia allows US citizens and most Europeans arriving at Addis Ababa airport to obtain a tourist visa on arrival for 1 month ($50) or up to 3 months ($70).  Other requirements, restrictions and such can be reviewed at the US Dept. of State webpage on Ethiopia.   
Money:  The local currency is the Birr [current exchange rate is 23 birr/USD as of Apr2017]. You should bring some cash with you into the country but note the official limit of $3000USD per person.  It may also be a good idea to bring some traveler’s checks.  Addis Ababa has ATMs where you can withdraw local currency but only with credit card (Cirrus and Plus are not supported).  Outside of Addis Ababa, it’s hard to use anything but Birr. Credit cards are usually only accepted by airlines and major hotels. It is recommended to only exchange money with authorized banks or at hotels. It is a good idea to budget some tip to the guides at the end of the trip (we suggest 10% if you are happy with service).
Food: The food in Ethiopia can seem somewhat foreign to the western palate. The staple food is a thin spongy sourdough bread called injera, combined with wat which are side dishes prepared with a variety of vegetables, meats, cheeses, and/or lentils. Note that although the water in hotels is supposedly safe, it is best to drink only purified water out of the clear plastic jugs and/or disinfect tapwater with UV, iodine/hypochlorite, or use a water filter.  
General tourist attractions: There are a number of interesting things to see and do in Ethiopia aside from paddling the Great Abbai (Blue Nile). High on many tourist’s lists are to visit Bahir Dar and Lake Tana as well as Gondar (3.5hr drive to the north) and its castle.  Many tourists rent bicycles in Bahir Dar and some even ride the 35km down to Tis Abay (Tissisat Falls) to behold the falls (though if you join our trip from the start, we’ll visit the falls and put-in just downstream).  Far to the north of Lake Tana are the Simian mountains, a spectacular high-elevation area with interesting wildlife.  You might also wish to visit the source of the Blue Nile at Gish Abay (south of Lake Tana).  Actually, we may plan a day or two for our group to visit Gish Abay and Bahir Dar/Lake Tana just before the trip (especially if it appears we will have to take out at Sirba due to the GERD being already completed and the reservoir filling). 
Domestic travel: Ethiopian cities are served by bus lines (e.g., see LonelyPlanet, SkyBusEthiopia) and domestic airline service (see EthiopianAir).  We may offer domestic flight options to get to BahirDar at the start of the trip or at the end a flight back from one of the cities close to the take-out  [such flights will entail an added charge - last check it was ~$180 each way for ADD-BJR]. 

TENTATIVE ITINERARY (30-day trip departing Sep27):
Itineraries and camps may vary from trip to trip:
Sep24 arrive Addis Ababa
Sep25 shopping/gear sorting
Sep26 shopping/gear sorting; maybe some participants go to Bahir Dar (Lake Tana); 1hr flight possible
Sep27 Drive Addis Ababa to Bahir Dar (9hr); perhaps to put-in; camp km40
Sep28  Rig rafts; visit and photo/video Tissisat; km40
Sep29 NorthernGorgeGC (GC = Grand Canyon section): Catfish Falls (IV; km53); to Gauntlet (V; km68); km68
Sep30 NorthernGorgeGC: get through Gauntlet (V); more IVs; camp just before or after Crux (V); km80
Oct1 NorthernGorgeGC: through Crux(V), Cave(V), BadSeeds(IV+); camp near 2ndPortugueseBridge (km90); km89
Oct2 Layover; km89
Oct3 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km118 
Oct4 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km148 
Oct5 InnerGorgeGC; pass Bashilo confluence (km170); to deepest point; class III; km188 
Oct6 Layover; hikes; km188 
Oct7 InnerGorgeGC; Mertule Bridge (km220); resupply Mekane Selam (48km east) or Mertule Maryham (55km west); class III; km218 
Oct8 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km250 
Oct9 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km280 
Oct10 InnerGorgeGC;  camp nearby; class III; km310 
Oct11 InnerGorgeGC; arrive/resupply at Shefartak Bridge (km 331; 20km RL to Gohatsion; 208km to AddisAbaba); class III; km332  
Oct12 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km370  
Oct13 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km410  
Oct14 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km450  
Oct15 BlackGorgeGC; class III; km490  
Oct16 Layover; hikes; Rocky+other continue to bridge; ascend to Bure for resupply;  km490 

Oct17 BlackGorgeGC; group arrives to BureBridge (km 524) up to Kuch/Bure for resupply (30/56km north); relaunch after lunch; class II; km530  
Oct18 WesternCataractsGC; class III; km580  
Oct19 WesternCataractsGC; canyon opening up a lot; cruising; class II; km630  
Oct20 WesternCataractsGC; class III-IV; km680  
Oct21 WesternCataractsGC; class II-III; km730  
Oct22 WesternCataractsGC; pass anticipated high water mark of GERD reservoir; class II; km780  
Oct23 LowlandGorges; pass Sirba/Mendi access point (km791); class II-III; km830  
Oct24 LowlandGorges; to near Shogali bridge; class III; km890  
Oct25 LowlandGorges; arrive to Shogali bridge (km 916); derig; start drive back 220km ~6hr; Chagni hotel;  km916  
Oct26 finish drive back from Chagni (9hr); arrive Addis Ababa; hotel  
Oct27 sort gear; flights out possible   

Note on Sep27 trip:  Late September and October have relatively high water and moving quickly downstream will be fairly easy. There will definitely be enough water to raft through the Northern Gorge, so for this launch, we’ll put in at km 40 (below TissisatFalls) to avoid the big portage at the falls and some potentially very low releases from the lake (may be possible for some folks to kayak the initial section before we start with the rafts). With the added boost of several natural-flowing tributaries, there should be a good level for rafting the intial section below Tissisat Falls.  Downstream of our put-in and after all the tough rapids have been passed, it is possible for participants to join the group at the 2nd Portuguese Bridge (km90 - involves a hike of ~10km to get to the river) or one of the road access points farther downstream: Mertule Maryam Bridge (km220; ~ Day8; 6hr to ADD), Shefartak Bridge (km331; ~Day12; 4hr to ADD), Bure Bridge (km524; ~Day18; 9 hr to ADD) and Sirba/Mendi km791 (~Day25; 15hr to ADD), of which at several we’ll have a food resupply. Our trip will continue down to Shogali/Beles bridge near the dam site (km916; ~Day28). Although the GERD is scheduled for completion in July 2017, we can hope for a delay to these estimated completion times for this mega-dam projects.  If completed and filling, it is possible that a significant reservoir may already be developing behind the dam for this trip and subsequent trips. However, due to the estimated 5-year period it will take to fill the reservoir completely, any reservoir we may encounter this year will be only partly filled and we will certainly be able to advance on free-flowing river to the Sirba access point. We may also have an outboard motor to help get us through the lake water at the end if we go the full way.  

TENTATIVE ITINERARY (34-day trip departing Nov4; launching on river Nov6)
Nov1 arrive Addis Ababa
Nov2 shopping/gear sorting
Nov3 shopping/gear sorting; maybe some participants go to Bahir Dar (Lake Tana); 1hr flight possible
Nov4 Drive Addis Ababa to Bahir Dar (9hr); perhaps to put-in; camp km40
Nov5  At put-in by
1st Portuguese Bridge (km40); Rig rafts; visit and photo/video Tissisat; km40
Nov6  NorthernGorgeGC (GC = Grand Canyon section): Catfish Falls (IV; km53); to Gauntlet (V; km68); km68
Nov7 NorthernGorgeGC: get through Gauntlet (V); more IVs; camp just before or after Crux (V); km80
Nov8 NorthernGorgeGC: through Crux(V), Cave(V), BadSeeds(IV+); camp near
2ndPortugueseBridge (km90); km89
Nov9 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km118
Nov10 Layover; hikes; km118 
Nov11 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km148 
Nov12 InnerGorgeGC; pass Bashilo confluence (km170); to deepest point; class III; km178
Nov13 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km218 
Nov14 InnerGorgeGC; 
Mertule Bridge (km220); resupply Mekane Selam or Mertule Maryham; class III; km238 
Nov15 InnerGorgeGC; class III; km270 
Nov16 Layover; hikes; km270 
Nov17 InnerGorgeGC;  class III; km300 
Nov18 InnerGorgeGC; camp near Shefartak bridge; km 330   
Nov19 BlackGorgeGC; resupply at 
Shefartak Bridge (km 331) (20km RL Gohatsion; 208km AddisAbaba); class III; km360  
Nov20 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km390  
Nov21 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km420  
Nov22 BlackGorgeGC; class III-IV; km450  
Nov23 BlackGorgeGC; class III; km490
Nov24 Layover; hikes; guide ascends to Bure for resupply;  km490   
Nov25 BlackGorgeGC; group arrives to 
BureBridge (km 524); resupply; launch after lunch; class II; km530
Nov26 WesternCataractsGC; canyon opening up a lot; cruising; class II; km560  
Nov27 WesternCataractsGC; class III; km590  
Nov28 WesternCataractsGC; class III; km620  
Nov29 WesternCataractsGC; class III; km660
Nov30 WesternCataractsGC; class III; km700
Dec1 WesternCataractsGC; pass anticipated high water mark of GERD reservoir; class II-III; km740  
Dec2 WesternCataractsGC; class II-III; km770
Dec3 WesternCataracts; arrive 
Sirba access (km791); possible derig & drive to Mendi (3hr); class II; km810
***  trip may end at Sirba; if so, drive back to Addis Ababa would be Dec4 (12hr); if trip goes to Shogali/Bele bridge, expect ~$150/pp extra ***
Dec4 LowlandGorges; class II; km850  
Dec5 LowlandGorges; to near Shogali bridge; class II-III; km890  
Dec6 LowlandGorges; arrive to 
Shogali/Beles bridge (km 916); derig; start drive back 220km ~6hr; Chagni hotel;  km916   
Dec7 finish drive back from Chagni (9hr); arrive Addis Ababa; hotel
Dec8 sort gear; flights out possible   

Note on Nov4 trip:  November has medium to low water and the current is not as fast as Jul-Oct, so some extra time need be budgeted to cover the same distance.  There should still be enough water to raft through the Northern Gorge, so the plan is like the previous trip to put in at km 40 (below TissisatFalls) to avoid the big portage at the falls and potentially too-little-water in the first part (it may be possible for some folks to kayak the initial section before we start with the rafts). With the added boost of several natural-flowing tributaries, there should be a good level for rafting the intial section below Tissisat Falls.  As with the September launch, it is possible for shorter trips by entering/exiting at access points/bridges.  If the GERD is completed and filling, it is possible that a significant reservoir may already be developing behind the dam on this trip. However, due to the estimated 5-year period it will take to fill the reservoir completely, any reservoir we encounter this year will be only partly filled and we will certainly be able to advance on free-flowing river to the Sirba access point and possibly farther. We may also have an outboard motor to help get us through the lake water at the end if we go the full way.

Aside from excursions during the river trip, you might consider visiting other interesting places in Ethiopia, such as the castle at Gondar, Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile at Gish Abay, Tissisat Falls, and the Simian Mountains.

We will have a complete set of marked topo maps for our river navigation.

Midges:  One thing to be aware of are the biting midges (also called no-see-ums, jejenes, "moscos”, “mosquitos”, or ankle-biters; officially Culicoides sp. or Leptoconops sp.), which tend to bite on the lower legs or butt/private areas.  A few minutes after a bite, you'll get an itch, and if you're not accostumed to them, you can get a red welt at the spot of the bite that itches for days. Expect midges to be present along the Blue Nile and do take precautions against this nuisance on the trip and you'll be a lot happier: wear light clothing that covers your legs and arms, sleep in a tent where they can't get to you, and put repellent on liberally - especially in the morning after you exit your tent, and when you arrive in camp  [both DEET and lemon eucalyptus oil (p-Methane-3,8-diol component - purchase as REPEL) are extremely effective at preventing bites, but you have to make sure you apply it!].
Mosquitos:  Accounts indicate there are few mosquitos along most of the Blue Nile.  However, it’s always a good idea to take precautions against bites.  Repellent works well against these and tents are essential for comfort and protection during warm nights (use DEET or REPEL).  Mosquitos in this area can transmit malaria.
Heat:  It is often very hot in the lower sections of the Blue Nile canyon: temperatures can easily be above 37oC (100oF) with lows over 24oC (75oF).  During the daytime, it’s always possible to cool down by splashing or jumping into the river and/or wetting clothing.  Occasionally nights can be uncomfortably warm for sleeping.  To deal with the heat in the evening, the best thing is to bring a tent that has excellent ventilation (i.e. mesh that extends down low and allows breezes to pass through) with an easily removable fly, such as the Marmot Ajax2 or Slumberjack2 SierraRios tents available.  Also consider a damp cotton t-shirt that works wonders with evaporative cooling to cool you down anytime day or night. 
Wind:  The winds have not been mentioned as being problematic on past expeditions, but we can expect some winds during the trip.  If it appears to be a windy day or areas, we will select camps that have some protection and will place the kitchen in the most protected spot (often sheltered by a wall, boulders, or trees/bushes).
Rain:  Rains are frequent during the main rainy season months of June, July, August and September but are not common in the fall or winter seasons.  If rain is threatening, we will erect the NRS River Wing or Kelty Noah’s Tarp over the main kitchen area.  This is best done with oars, throwbags and anchors (heavy rocks or other items).  For personal protection from rain, a good non-leaking tent is the best, but also consider a light rain jacket (or a paddle-jacket used on the river can serve both purposes).
Floods:  During almost any time of year but particularly from July through October, it is possible to experience a high-flow event from widespread heavy rains in the Blue Nile drainage basin.  These spikes in flow can flood all beaches along the sides and may prompt moving camp, sometimes in the middle of the night. Sometimes the high water can last for several days.  Everyone should take adequate precautions to protect gear from rapid rises in the river. If you are in charge of a kayak or raft, you are responsible for tying your boat up securely and/or keeping it above any floodwaters.   If you are in charge of a boat, you will be responsible for losses/damages occurring from rising water at night (sometimes this could be claimed and covered by your traveler’s insurance policy, but you will have to reimburse SierraRios regardless).
Foot fungus:  If you plan on wearing closed-toe shoes, you may suffer from foot fungus due to the prolonged warm wet environment without adequate water rinsing. You should prepare for this by purchasing anti-fungal creams before the trip and applying at the first hint of symptoms when you get to camp, at night before you go to sleep, and again in the morning. Also, in camp, wash your feet well with soap and 100 ppm bleach water and keep dry and exposed to air so as not to accumulate moisture. 
Trash:  The Blue Nile is not a park and no steps have been instituted to keep the river corridor clean of trash and contamination.  Although no previous expedition report has mentioned seeing trash, there is habitation in the drainage area, so we can expect to see some trash along the sides - and especially in large eddies where it settles.  Clean-up trips and education campaigns in the towns may alleviate this issue in the future should this become a popular river to float. 
Water quality:  The water quality of the Blue Nile is unknown but likely to be relatively clean due to the relatively low human habitation in the drainage.  The river runs with a lot of silt and a muddy color when rains are falling and charging the stream (generally June through October).   During the 4-6 months in the main dry season (Nov-May), it may flow with more clearish water.  Muddy or discolored water does not necessarily indicate contaminated water.  However, the river water does contain effluent from some villages and towns and therefore should not be considered pristine, which is why we typically use clear side streams as our sources for camp drinking/cooking water.  If you come down with a GI illnesses such as diarrhea, you should not automatically blame the river water. The cause could easily be unsanitary camp practices, eating of contaminated foods, or eating restaurant-prepared food.  Studies have repeatedly shown that 50% of foreigners traveling for 2 weeks to third world countries will contract a GI illness regardless of whether they have contact with local stream/ocean water or not. Many studies including those of the EPA have shown that swimmers in recreational waters at their recommended microbial limit (126 E.coli cfu/100mL) have ~3% increased risk of getting a GI illness, while other studies have shown that only 3-9% of surfers who often surf in contaminated waters contract a GI illness annually (surfing on average 72 days/yr). Also, we have noted on SierraRios 2+ week Marañón trips, the incidence of GI illness is only 5-20% when strict sanitation measures are employed, while it is usually 50-80% otherwise (indicating camp sanitation is more important than contact with river water). 

There is wildlife to view along the Blue Nile but don’t expect to see a lot of megafauna.  We will see some hippopotomaus and Nile crocodiles in the river.  We will also see primates including baboons, and possibly various other monkeys (colobus, vervet, blue, and DeBrazza’s types). We may see bushbuck deer, warthogs, and hyenas, and perhaps even big cats (lions or leopards - but not likely though).  There are ample fish in the river, and catching catfish can be satisfying and fun to cook and eat (use a lure with cheese or meat that sinks to the bottom).  We’ll have a wildlife fauna book along on the trip. 
Crocodiles:  Although there are Nile crocodiles in this river and they can grow to sizes to be man-eaters, accounts from recent trips indicate most are small and not of any concern.  Usually crocodiles will flee upon the approach of people and boats, and you can scare any away that may be lurking near the shore by slapping a paddle or throwing rocks into the water.  Of the large ones that may consider attacking a boat or person, almost always you can see the croc charging toward you and you can take evasive or defensive action.  However there always is the threat of a surprise attack. We assume no responsibility for losses, injury or death resulting from an attack by crocodiles. 
HIppopotamus:  Although there are hippopotamus in this river and they can chomp on people/boats and/or overturn boats, usually they are frightened at the sight of humans and boats and will try to flee (espcially from groups of us).  If a hippo appears angry and ready to attack or is charging you, the best thing to do is to try and get away as soon as possible - either paddling (on the water) or running (if you’re on land).   We assume no responsibility for losses, injury or death resulting from an attack by hippopotamus or any other wildlife on the trip.
Birdlife: We will probably see a full complement of African water birds, plus some forest and bush species. Common are fish eagles, kingfishers (giant, pied, woodland, blue-breasted, and malachite), bee-eaters, storks, kites, vultures, and herons (goliath, grey, and green-backed). Others that may be spotted include emerald spotted wood doves, white-browed coucal, raucous silvery cheeked hornbills, Pel’s fishing owl, Abyssinian ground hornbills, and various other doves.  We will have a bird identification guidebook with us (Birds of the Horn of Africa) and note the birds that we spot. 

This trip is being run to increase appreciation of the river and protect what remains of the Grand Canyon of the Nile.
We welcome everyone: raft passengers, raft paddlers, raft rowers, kayakers, IKers, and guides. No prior rafting experience is required to join a trip. We offer professional level service similar to other established outfitters in the Grand Canyon (USA). The general costs of this and other trips is listed at: COSTS

Special discounts are sometimes offered to folks on our email list, so you are encouraged to sign up (Email List info).

If interested in joining a trip, send a note stating how you found out about the trip and a little background info about you and your paddling experience, what dates might work for you, and what sections of the expedition you are most interested in joining. Once you get the go-ahead, you will need to provide a deposit to reserve your place on the trip. The balance must be received prior to trip commencement. See PAYMENTS for payment options.

A minimum of 4 full-rate guests will assure a general SierraRios trip occurs, while our maximal limit is 16 guests on any trip. We may allow trips with fewer folks depending on circumstances. If interested in doing a trip on a date not listed, send a message about optimal scheduling for you, as well as a little info about you. We may list the launch date, and if enough folks sign up by the 3-month cut-off, we'll organize it.

(guides may include the following)

(1) Rocky Contos descended the entire Marañon from its headwaters on Río Lauricocha to Iquitos from July to September 2012, and led three 20+ person 30-day expeditions in 2013 (Sep28) and 2014 (Jan16, Jun4, Oct14, and Dec4). He discovered the most distant source of the Amazon [see articles C&K, Outside, Nat.Geo, FoxNews, LaRepublica] and in 2012, also paddled all of Ríos Apurímac, Mantaro, and Urubamba as part of his Headwaters of the Amazon expedition. He has explored nearly every river in Mexico including >100 first descents covering ~8,000 km of river and ~55,000 m of drop, as well as most in Peru. Rocky believes the Marañon is one of the finest Grand Canyon-style raftable rivers in the South America. He is fluent in Spanish and has organized many Grand Canyon length trips. Several articles have featured Rocky (American Whitewater; Kayak Session; Canoe & Kayak). While attaining his Ph.D. in neuroscience (see CV), Rocky worked as a kayak instructor and guide for UCSD's Outback Adventures from 1993-1996 and gained valuable trip planning skills for large groups. Rocky started out kayaking in 1991 but also learned to raft in the mid-1990s in order to introduce more people to the wonders of river travel. He has organized numerous large group raft and kayak expeditions through the Grand Canyon Colorado (7X), Gramd Canyon Amazon (9X), MF and/or Main Salmon River (4X), Mulatos-Aros (4X), Usumacinta (12X), Taseko-Chilcotin-Fraser (1X), and many other long trips to the Salt, Kern, Rogue, Deschutes, John Day, Thompson, Similkameen, and Baja California. Rocky founded SierraRios with the goal of conserving the rivers of Latin America, and hopes that increased awareness and enjoyment of the resource will lead to protection. He is organizing most aspects of the trips and will lead some but cannot lead all.

(2) Alex Aitkin will be trip leader on many expeditions. Alex has working on rivers for decades and it has been his life to train guides and teach swiftwater rescue, as well as guide trips. Alex calls Spain his home base when not guiding in Switzerland, Kenya or South America.

(3) Lorenzo Bergamin will be co-guide or trip leader on some expeditions. Born in Milan, Lorenzo grew up near the Alps with their great whitewater and fell in love with river running and guiding. He has traveled in 62 countries and paddled/guided rivers in many areas around the world, including the Grand Canyon (several times), Futaleufu, Zambezi, Sun Kosi, Karnali, and Tamur. He has guided Marañón trips for SierraRios from 2014-2016. Lorenzo speaks English, Italian, and Spanish. Lorenzo calls Oregon home nowadays.

(4) Local Ethiopian guides. All trips will have one or more bilingual Ethiopian guides along with the group to communicate effectively with most people that we meet along the way and try to keep the group safe and without threats of assault/attack.

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At Shefartak Bridge, the Blue Nile has on average 1.3X the volume of water of the Colorado through Grand Canyon, but also displays a much greater seasonal variation, with high water months of Aug-Sep about 2X as much as the Colorado's normal peak months (May-Jun) and only 1/2 as much during the lowest water months. By the time it is at Shogali near the Sudan border, the Blue Nile is about 4X as voluminous as the Colorado.

river Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg
Blue Nile (Shefartak) cms 140 100 100 100 130 250 1040 2210 1790 920 350 200 610
cfs 5000 3500 3500 3500 4600 8900 37000 78000 62000 33000 11000 7000 21700
---------------------------- ----- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
Colorado (LeesFerry) cms 148 188 259 560 1188 1476 597 293 234 234 175 163 486
[pre-dam flows 1922-1962] cfs 5300 6700 9200 19900 42200 52400 21200 10400 8300 8300 7500 5800 16480

[current list available]


"The Marañón resembles the Grand Canyon of Colorado in many ways with its rapids, beaches, side canyons and deep cacti-studded gorges.  Both rivers offer numerous side-hikes and waterfalls.  Like the Canyon, the Maranon is ideal for a long multi-day boat trip where a person can forget the grind of everyday life... However, the Maranon offers much more.  Unlike the Grand Canyon, the Maranon is free flowing and its character can change overnight by the whims of nature. Its navigable section is much longer than that of Colorado and its canyon is deeper. Some Maranon beaches are big enough to accommodate small villages. The Maranon offers more and greater variety of rapids that are overall more challenging to navigate. Its continuously strong current makes it possible to easily cover 30-40 miles per day in a raft, assuming one does not stop for side hikes. The jungle area of the lower Maranon has no equivalent on the Colorado... I cannot think of another river in the lower 48 States that offers the same kind of experience."

Boris Trgovcich, class IV rafter/IKer and former raft tour operator in N.California. [2013Sep Marañon trip participant]
See Full Comment

"I found the river trip labeled the "Grand Canyon of the Amazon" to be completely comparable to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado in most respects, and it exceeded my expectations in every way... In the 1980s I paddled the Bio-Bio as a participant on one of the first commercial kayak trips in Chile [with] Chris Spelius. While [the Bio Bio's] destruction was abominable both environmentally and culturally, the size and importance of the Bio-Bio's destruction was but a small warning shot compared to the potential disaster planned for the Marañón/Amazon."
Kelly Kellstadt, class III-IV kayaker and former guide/instructor in New Mexico. [2013Sep Marañon trip participant]
See Full Comment

"I need to do another expedition!!!!! I'm already jonsing for one .... The Marañon trip was one of kind that I will never forget ... the perfect combination of big water, gorgeous scenery and a taste of rurual Peruvian lifestyle! ...  I would do this trip again in a heart beat ... It really is amazing how helpful some people have been along the way. Going way out of their way in order to help..."
Amie Begg; class IV kayaker on 2012 Marañon trip

"The Marañon trip was a magical journey. Big, clean water; big canyons and expansive natural beauty; and big-hearted, friendly people who made us feel welcome along the way, while sharing with us their fears of imminent dams, mines, and petroleum drilling. I hope we can find a way to help them protect this incredible treasure and their ways of life."
Barbara Conboy; SierraRios board member and rafter/kayaker on 2012 Marañon trip